wait for a sale

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023


6 months ago

Thank you so much man, I was not sure if I should buy or not

6 months ago

@VolliVolliVolli To offer a differing opinion let me just say I'm about 20 hours in and this is easily one of the best games I've ever played, this doesn't come as a surprise considering I was a huge fan of Rabi Ribi, which was essentially Tevi's predecessor. The easy biggest standout here are the boss fights, as early as chapter 1 they're phenomenal and have only gotten better as the game progresses, similarly to Rabi Ribi this game flawlessly combines the bullet hell genre with 2d action combat and it's an absolute joy to play (here's a boss fight if you want an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIUNRpyeJHg). The level design is also very good, one thing I love about it is that the game encourages sequence breaking and freedom in exploration, sequence breaking especially feels extremely satisfying to pull off. The only thing I can possibly see putting people off is the anime-esque artstyle, but only weirdos get upset over that. It's definitely worth your time, especially if you're a fan of metroidvanias.

6 months ago

it feels generally bloated to me compared to their previous game especially with the crafting, costs more as well, and added a lot more useless dialogues which imo is a mistake.

6 months ago

@AiriBan Finally someone who knows what they're talking about. GOTY material right here

6 months ago

I def feel like crafting is a much better alternative to Rabi Ribi's system where you just need a fuck ton of cash to upgrade everything, which became kinda annoying to farm after a certain point. You get materials at an absurd rate so crafting isn't really that difficult in the first place and the only time it is is when using the 2 materials that specifically upgrade items, which aren't farm-able and are instead set drops, which in my opinion is good change. Dialogue is also something I thought I wouldn't care for but ngl the dialogue and characters here are fun, story is kinda w/e so far but the characters I feel definitely make up for that.