Everyone knows the good parts. The gameplay is great and the cars feel just right, the graphics are a technical achievement and the map and car selection are awesome (even if lancia and alfa are missing this time around).
However this game represents what I was afraid the franchise would turn into after 4. It starts with emotes and clothes and ends up with an embarrassing attempt at a story and characters. It just won't give up on reminding you the current audience for Horizon.
I'm going straight to the point and say that i find this game to be downright racist with its depictions of Mexicans. Listening to those never ending dialogs with two or three Spanish words sprinkled in every line is embarrassing, I'm done with Alejandra talking about her familia and her tio's vocho. Just let me collect the damn cars. What's worse is the exhibition events aren't even hype nor fun unlike the previous games, having these really annoying cartoons of a character talk on top of them is the icing on the cake, having some of them be locked on AT transmission is downright criminal.
A big part of the game saw no evolution since FH4. Same old issues, a real copy+paste in some things, still can't preview liveries, rebinding buttons is still a pain in the ass, auction house is still hot garbage since FH3, even the cars that were barn finds in the previous game are still tagged as such, really how does something like that get past QA?
Feels like the formula was polished at 3 (but not perfected) and everything after that was just building bullshit around it to retain players and maximize gamepass subs by finding an even younger public. Maybe I'm just getting older.
Overall I'm pretty disappointed in the game and will probably just stick around for the core gameplay, I wish i could just skip the bullshit. All i wanted was to collect virtual cars, man.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2021
