This has single-handedly made me oppose all video game remakes on principle.

The original PS2 version, to this day, is stunning. The strengths and limitations of that console were utilized to create something completely unique and impossible to truly replicate (even pc emulation fails at this). The blinding bloom lighting, washed out colors, and low resolution gave the game this otherworldly sheen that I was mesmerized by. It gives the impression of a beautiful but god-forsaken no man's land enveloped by Dormin's light, a light without warmth.

The PS4 version just... Looks like a typical AAA PS4 game. It's technologically impressive, but that's the only thing there is to say about such boring, soulless visuals. And in a few years, you won't even be able to say that. The remake further disrupts the style of the original with meaningless new features for a purposefully minimalist game, like frivolous collectibles, a photo mode, and a stats page. All just to pad the game out with more time-wasting distractions, as if we didn't already have enough games packed with that.

Worse though are the subtle changes that most probably missed. The gut-wrenching wails of collosi have been replaced with generic monstrous roars (seriously, go to youtube and watch the 4th colossus fight in the original and then in the remake, it's a disgrace), and the enigmatic color changes of their eyes during battle have been removed altogether in favor of always-orange eyes to signify aggression without nuance.

The fact that this is seen by the vast majority of gamers as a faithful remake baffles me. Maybe because it lives up to how most remember it: The pretty looking game where you fight big monsters and it turns out you were the bad guy the whole time! That's pretty much what it is when you boil it down, but I always thought it had a bit more of a mystique that made it stand above most games.

There is no real appreciation in the industry for old games beyond surface level nostalgia, and I think that's one reason why video games are such a wasteland artistically.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2022


love to transfom wander from a beautiful determined memory into a tertiary character from the croods

1 year ago

Legendary review, to die for
Agreed bro. The Demon’s Souls remake these guys did I thought was even worse.

9 months ago

The main issue I have with the remake is Wander's face. Other than that, I'd put it above the original for a few reasons.
I think the visual upgrade makes the game even more charming (whether it was intentional or not is not the issue), the original SOTC on PS2 used its technicals limitations to deliver a strange otherwordly feeling to the world but it never looked welcoming, at all, it was barren, you already knew that something was off. On the contrary, the remake's beautiful and detailed world makes the place appear like a paradise at first but the complete lack of life creates a rather eerie contrast which really fits the tone of the game. This is further emphasized by the long draw distance too. The removal of fog wasn't a one-sided loss, it's an interesting tradeoff.
Thoses changes to the world foreshadow Wander's doom in a subtler way imo, the deal he made with Dormin looks more appealing and it casts doubt on whether or not this forbidden land is an almost divine place beyond the shackles of mortality or a cursed place that tantalize men.