5 Reviews liked by cartridgepink

FUCK that one crystal shard that you had to carry the dynamite ability through a whole level to collect, also that one where you had to climb a wall as rick that one was stupid

Fleens? You're not Fleens! Whatever you are, MAKE ME A PIZZA!
One of the greatest educational (?) puzzle games ever made, in my opinion. Quotable dialogue, charm, excellent difficulty options to make the puzzles more and more complex as you understand them, and a concrete goal of taking every Zoombini from Zoombini Isle to Zoombiniville.

Same problems as the first game: too wordy, awkward dialogue, and some things the characters do don't make all that much sense. Outside of that, this was such a huge step up from the 1st game. I really appreciate how open ended the game becomes, and at such an early point in the game. No hand-holding or railroading here. Some dungeons (Air's Rock) can be complete slogs, but idk I'm patient I guess. Huge props for all the optional dungeons and bosses they put into this. Dullahan took me weeks to take down as a kid. Lastly, soundtrack was chock full of catchy tunes. Camelot did such a good job with this one.

When you lose you have to watch Hopper do the same scene from the movie, which is annoying, already. But it's worse now since he's voiced by Kevin Spacey.