*Beat with 2024 remaster

Pretty alright overall. Feels the most "doom 1" compared to other "doom-likes" of the era (which makes sense, we were only 2 years removed from doom 1's release) and I mean that for the better and worse.

Story isn't much, but it works for what it is. Cool for someone like me who grew up with the prequel era to see the origin of smaller legends aspects like the Dark Troopers and Kyle Katarn as a character.

Combat is pretty good too for the most part. Almost all the weapons have a use up until the final levels, save for the fusion cutter (it never did the damage I felt it should've) and the mortar canon (with how close quarters most encounters are in this game it feels more like an easy way to kill yourself then anything else).

Biggest thing that makes this game fall down a good few notches is the level design and the lives system. There's a few good streightfoward ones here and there, but the game'll also throw some labrythian mazes and the odd puzzle every so often which is a real pace breaker. Doesn't help how there's no real conveyance in most instances in terms of where to go with how most areas look the same. The later half of levels also like to get really annoying with enemies being thrown (namely nar shadaa with all the thermal detonator dudes) and ESPECIALLY the mines. Seriously, on the last few levels they're placed in such cheap locations and have an explosive damage range that I swear is much larger then it appears to be. I'm glad I played on medium because I know for a fact levels like nar shadaa would be red dicking me on hard.

The lives system is the only aspect I downright don't like and I wish ND changed with the remaster. You start every level with 3 lives, and you respawn at a pre-determined point in real-time as you die, prodeus-style. Most of this game on medium is pretty comfortable save for the last few levels, and I just felt this was unnecessary more then anything else. I only had to restart two levels (Jabba's Ship and the final level) because of how cheap the enemy placement was. Sure, you can find more lives through secrets and whatnot throughout the level, but I don't understand why they couldn't have put in a more conventional quicksave system, at least as an option for people. Other then that, pretty fun, but definitely make or break for some people.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
