10+ years removed from when I first got hooked on this game in highschool (how....). By the 7th or 8th year, I came to fully understand why every year saw a new wave of people lamenting the constant updating and overhauling this game has experienced. I'm quite certain the game would have died down in popularity much sooner without the "live" aspect of it: people do actually like seeing their favorite things get a new coat of paint every season. No, the changes and new content were, and will always be, necessary for League to be League.

However, the intensity and unrelenting frequency of the changes is what I think has been unhealthy for it and brought me to the point of even saying I dislike the game now. The strategy and teamwork were what I enjoyed, but enjoying strategy means being able to have a firm grasp on the major variables involved. But now there are just way too many, and by the time you start to figure it out again THEY REDO IT ALL AGAIN.

The game doesn't have strategy anymore, not for anyone less than the top 0.5% of dedicated players. Its a monthly grab bag of chaos where you can log in one day and suddenly everyone's attacks light everything on fire.

I'm not even joking. At several points they have added too many Damage-over-Time effects to the game and you spend half the round on fire wondering what invisible circle you crossed to get caught.

On top of the core rule changes, there are now 163 unique champions to play, too, and that's not counting all of the ones that were completely overhauled. Got a favorite? Have fun while you can because next month they might get gutted or buffed into a completely different playstyle. Figured out how to counter one character you were having a hard time with? Good job, but now you'll never see them again this month and here's 3 other characters you need to learn.

There's no time anymore (or so it feels to me) for changes in the meta to occur naturally. There's a lack of understanding that when a game is actually balanced well, the strategies of the day will constantly evolve even without changes to the rules as players try to counter the popular trends and then become the popular trends to counter. At the very least you need to let the stew simmer for a bit.

I don't want to just rag on it grumpily. Change is a cool part of the game and some player bases are more hungry for itthan others. I'm willing to admit that I don't belong in that fast of a stream anymore, but I also can't help but feel it's a shame that instead of being able to gracefully retire from the game with warm memories, my friends and I have felt tossed out with a lingering sense of revulsion.

The game desperately needs a legacy "snapshot" system, where specific iterations (maybe even selected or partially selected by vote) of the game are preserved on live servers for the old guard to enjoy. Yeah, it'll split the player base some, but I have a feeling that once the reduced player attrition rate is taken into account, it'd balance out. And then they'd get to have even more of their beloved balance data from the active A/B test that would ensue.

In any case, this was slightly a rant, so apologies there, but I felt the sudden urge to put my grievances to word for what used to be one of my favorite competitive multiplayer games.

Reviewed on May 24, 2023
