This was the first Sonic game I ever beat and it got really hairy (ha) for me at times. First off, I really did not enjoy most of the Sonic/day levels. I honestly think it is a me issue, that I find some parts of those levels to be too fast for me to make decisions on what to do. I'm not used to going fast. The werehog//night levels were way more my speed and I loved the combat. Werehog was 100% the highlight of the game for me. Some of the platforming in those sections could also be suspect (like why would some platforms no longer available to be grabbed onto if I jump closer?), but overall I looked forward to those levels. The final boss felt like an accomplishment to beat, as well as the entire game. I don't know if any other Sonic game will feel right to me after this, so this could also be the last I beat.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2023
