soul crushing at points, but one of the best 2d platformers ever made nonetheless. boasts some especially well-thought-out level design and enemy placement that does not get NEARLY the credit it deserves

i feel the respawning enemies (especially the priests) are ridiculously overhyped by people who fail to understand that this is ultimately a game about constantly moving forward. like, you aren't supposed to slash at them mindlessly and hope that they just stop appearing - you gotta jump INTO and slice THROUGH those motherfuckers

oh and just so we're clear: this is about the nes game. not the arcade one. no more funny business, aight, igdb?

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024


how does the arcade version stack up to the NES version

4 months ago

@nowitsreyntime17 haven't played it myself. it's just a beat 'em up though. doesn't look like the worst in the genre. certainly better than the first ninja warriors game at least