"it's eat or be eaten in this cruel world" ~lost ark (2022)

you faced down the darkness living within you, but you never backed down. you overcame your inner darkness and protected your true self... now go forth and deliver these flowers for the local guard. we're counting on you

when you're done with that, feel free to mash your keyboard and dish out a variety of attacks that all feel exactly the same. will you press "w", or "q"? the possibilities are simply endless

currently redownloading path of exile

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2022


2 years ago

chandler why did people jump to play this game when it came out, like did it have really good marketing or something

i just don't understand

2 years ago

it just kinda popped up on my steam one day and it had some nice looking trailers that hyped it up decently well enough, but considering it's backed by amazon it was prolly also all over the place in general

2 years ago

The game had pretty great marketing actually thanks to amazon
Been playing it a lot myself and it's pretty fun but the leveling experience is atrocious and the overall aesthetic is some of the most soulless shit until near level cap and even then

2 years ago

that makes sense, i live under a rock and block all ads and never personalize anything so i see almost nothing when it comes to stuff marketed to gamers