- Do you like Corpse Party?
- Do you like Visual Novels?
- Are you up for a collection of prequel, sequel, and what-if chapters that don't necessarily push the plot forward?
If the answer to all those questions is "yes", then sure, give Book of Shadows a try.

It's better written that Blood Covered, it has better scares (IMO), both main and secondary characters get more fleshed out, better CGs, better voice acting... It's a good package, but to get into it you must be aware that only the last chapter matters when it comes to the series' development, and the rest is complementary material that could've easily been extra chapters in Blood Covered... but with much better quality.

I actually liked it more than Blood Covered, it's just a shame that it doesn't stand as its own individual installment and instead is kinda like the Corpse Party version of the Animatrix. You can't recommend it on its own, and the genre change along with the chapters-as-short-stories formula might put off a significant portion of the core fanbase, but if you're into what's being offered, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2022
