It ain't bad at all! The core gameplay is pretty fun, blowing up one objective after another is super smooth and engaging once it finds its groove... the shame is that it doesn't really build up to much (much like the original Crackdown in that regard) and the difficulty is super wack (sometimes even on Legendary is too easy, but sometimes it cranks the difficulty up way too much) but I guess that's what happens when the developer that was supposed to make the game houdini'd mid development and instead you get a (talented) B-Tier studio to build something out of scraps and polish things up in record time just to release something.

Also, despite being a much more smoother experience (most of the time), it kinda misses the point of what made the original Crackdown special and instead becomes a Just Cause / Red Faction Guerrilla type game. A very decent one, and it does nail a lot when it comes to the core gameplay and expanding some design aspects, but because it's in service of a much more standard sandbox, I don't think it would've have had that much staying power in people's minds even if the game had been received more positively, unlike the original which is still very bold, unique and fondly remembered.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2022
