House of Ashes and The Quarry convinced me that Supermassive are capable of making more than just very well produced Z-tier horror movies, so it's a shame that The Devil In Me is such a step down in terms of direction and fun.

It's kind of a non-specific blend between a Saw movie and very generic slasher movie of old, but not taking full advantage of either side. The character writting reverted back to the quality of Little Hope, which is to say that no one is really interesting. The best part about it is without a doubt some real-life elements, accompanied by an unlockable real documentary of said events (which I thought was really neat, thank you Supermassive), and the villain's backstory told throughout all the hidden items and some setpieces. In fact, it came to a point where I was asking myself what was the point of telling the main story at all when the side stuff easily overshadowed the actual game.

It wasn't horrible or anything except some points where there was a clear disregard of common sense by the characters (but then again, it is a Z tier movie so I kinda expected it). It was just... uninteresting and unpolished.

I'll give it credit for one thing tho, Supermassive is finally adding puzzles and other mechanics. They are going at a snails pace, but you know, maybe by 2030 they will actually be able to make a game with gameplay.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2023
