It took me 3 hours of toying around every setting imaginable through the game's screen modes, the config.ini file, the Nvidia control panel, and even Steam launch parameters, but I finally got the SNES games to work decently.

While I feel like this is a perfectly good option when everything's properly set up, I still feel like bsnes + overclock might be the superior option with a bit less input lag, better performance, savestates, and none of the controller detection issues. It even features a total amount of 0 configuration headaches (3 hours!).

To add insult to injury, modders have found a way to extract the SNES ROMs from the collection, so if you want to go the bsnes route you can do it legally too.

However, the rest of the collection works like a dream even in default settings, to the point I'm wondering if it's even emulated at all. It makes playing on original hardware obsolete unless you get a hard on for spending money on very middling and expensive retro games.

It's bizarre, because X1-3 are the most well-remembered entries, so one would've thought that Capcom must have put the most effort into them, but it's the other way around.

-I kinda wish The Day of Sigma had the original Japanese dub instead of the English one. I wish there was also an English undub version. It's a minor complain in the grand scheme of things tho considering they do provide the Japanese versions and Day of Sigma at all

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2023
