It had some high points for sure. I think the close quarters combat was slightly better than the first one. The graphics still hold up incredibly well. Some level layouts were interesting...

But on the whole, this took the open level design of the first one and threw it to the trash in favour of something that more often than not just doesn't click. The nanosuit has been horribly nerfed. The gunplay sometimes does some wild stuff and isn't as reliable as it should. Its visuals are masterfully crafted but don't really leave a lasting impression (even for dreary desaturated PS3/360 gen shooters). The story is completely forgettable. There are a fair share of sections that can be a pain in the dick...

At some point in the last third of the game I just wanted to get it over with and simply stealthed my way to the exit of the last few levels. It's a shame because even with all the step backwards the game does, there were some elements I thought were enjoyable or incredibly ambitious, but you gotta look at the whole picture and ask yourself "Am I gonna remember any of this one month from now?" Probably not.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2023
