An excellent game that, in spite of what you may have been told by various online nerds and dorks, actually does allow you to not give a shit about optimising every facet of your dumb factory. I've played this game alone for hours on end, restarting at arbitrary points because I felt I wasn't being efficient enough – a sure-fire way to lose interest in a game. But right now I have a 20 hour long co-op game with two of my friends and our factory is a disgusting, entangled mess of railways and belts carrying god knows what and a fleet of drones that constantly scramble to repair the outer perimeter of our base, fending of a growing horde of critters. Our base is essentially an exercise in engineering nihilism that would have made me restart a thousand times over, had I been playing alone.

It's a great game when you remind yourself that you're not an engineer and you don't have to take a video game that seriously.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2021
