Payday 3 is ALMOST everything I could’ve wanted from a sequel to Payday 2. It’s got more variety in gameplay, especially stealth. I remember reading that a developer said that one of the biggest influences for PD3’s stealth was Hitman, and that could not be more clear when you actually play the game. I cannot explain the feelings I had when I successfully completed stealth contracts almost entirely maskless, but GOD the stealth in this game is really fuckin good. In addition, the game has better graphics, thanks to the move from a literal ps2 racing game engine to Unreal 4, as well as a banger soundtrack by Gustavo Coutinho. Overall, this was just a really fun time - even when playing solo - and I am so glad I got to play this game in early access. That being said, the launch has proven for me that, unfortunately, I just cannot recommend this game in its current state.

The always-online aspect of Payday 3 is criminal (haha get it?), and it has caused so many issues since launch that it is almost impossible to get into a lobby, even when playing solo. You have to connect to the Payday 3 servers even when you are playing in a solo private match. I really hope Starbreeze reconsiders the jump to always-online soon and implement some kind of offline mode, because the game is literally unplayable right now. I worry that this game might suffer the same fate as Battlefront II, where a controversy at launch permanently ruins the game’s reputation even after the issues what caused the controversies in the first place are resolved. This game is genuinely brilliant and it is such a shame to see it be dragged through the dirt by server issue after server issue.

Edit (13/10/23): Three weeks after release, the game still isn’t patched, no communication from Starbreeze on anything and every dev stream consists of Almir regurgitating “uhhhh we have not confirmed [blank]”. Either fix your shit or at least have the dignity to be transparent to your playerbase, who have been so loyal to stick by this broken game for this long.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023
