absolutely it has its flaws but as a longtime fan of the series i think it did a good job breathing life into the series after fates, which was generally acknowledged to be a bit of a disaster. i like the vast majority of the cast and really like the supports! the class system is also interesting this time, especially with them adding in the dlc classes.

part of me wishes there was another actual route where you can unite the lords, but given how fates did that... um. maybe it's for the best. in any case, it keeps the emotional aspect knowing you're going to end up killing some of your former friends. i also have a major gripe with how edelgard's route was pushed HEAVILY in promotional material but they completely messed up her route and the emotional weight of it by making it WAY shorter than the others. it makes the black eagles story ring very hallow and feel incredibly unsatisfying, which sucks because i do like the characters and how heavily gray the morality of the route + edelgard is (and i wish there were more characters being conflicted over what was happening).

i do like all of the routes, however, despite my major gripes with BE! dimitri's berserk scene at the reveal in his route literally gave me chills, which a fire emblem game hasnt managed to do before.

all together very good and fun! might not be for everyone but it definitely was for me!

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2020
