Everything in this game is fun except for the defending,it feels awful how your players slip into the ground and you cant do nothing,defending in general feels cheap and unfun and luck based,the skills basically all do the same thing so you dont have to memorize any skills except for some op ones and is really shitty that you only have national teams,but apart from all this everything else is as good as you get on a fifa street,perfect soundtrack,good carrer mode,fun attacking gameplay,good personalization,decent gamemode,etc

overall,for now i think that the defending weight this game so much ,but maybe sometime i learn to appreciate the defending on this game and learn how to defend well and then it will be an 8 or 9 out of 10 because everything else is as good as you get but for now i still think that 2012 fifa street is clear and this game is a

Reviewed on May 27, 2023
