An excellent ending to one of my all-time favorite stories in gaming. I think my appreciation for this game has grown since I last played it almost 10 years ago, as I was better able to connect with the emotional weight of this game as an adult. The ending I chose (with no spoilers) moved me deeply and really made me feel like I had taken this grand space-faring adventure that just came to an end. I remember playing this series as a teenager and appreciating it for its cool sci-fi setting and the (at the time) interesting combat, but now I can appreciate Mass Effect on a deeper level entirely. There's a maturity to the writing and story of this game that I was able to connect with this time around, and I'll be thinking about this game, and this series, for a long time moving forward.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2022


1 year ago

Super based

1 year ago

you've inspired me to revisit the series, thank you :)