sigh sucks to have to write this mannnn,
wish i could've given this a 4 star...............
basically i used to play this game hella as a young kid bc my grandma had it on her PC, one of the only games ever that me & my grandparents all played. especially my grandpa who had his few different heavy gaming phases this was one of his mains he played so much. so months ago when i was still new to game pass, i think around after when i originally finished halo 2 & was gonna take a halo break, i saw this on game pass & was like damn, that could be a fun lil casual game to play right now! & i first downloaded it & it was! sooo nostalgic man damn, the sounds, the music, the maps, first time i seen any of this shit since i was so young, it was awesome. but on top of that, after playing a couple hours i was hooked ! nostalgia aside, i got addicted & just like any good game in this style it worked how it should, addicting gameplay, creative lil concept, bright colors & specific aesthetic packaging, simple progression thru levels. it was just a solid ass lil pop cap actioin puzzle game. was honestly gonna give it a 4 star bc i had a great time

until i didn't ): mannn call me salty idc man i'll say it i am goddamn salty haha, but this game goes on too long & is fuckin impossible to beat !! & that sucks mann!!!!!!! look if it was set up originally in a way to where it seemed to be no "beating" the game, aka there's essentially infinite levels, then i wouldn't have felt this way. but it's not man, they have the gauntlet mode that fulfills the infinite survival aspect, & then the adventure mode that is set up in a way that makes you believe you could reach the end. but u can't!!!! i get it, it's not actually impossible, but like is anyone rating this game high af on here confirming that they beat the last level on this shit? if so then i guess ya'll are just more skilled than me, bc i ended up putting goddamn hoursss into this shit lol ! by the time you reach the last set of levels (the final part that i was never able to beat), it just isn't the same anymore. at that point you've already replayed the same maps over & over & over again, & there's just so many factors that play into luck to where it feels unfair. you could be playing sooo skillfully & accurately with no mistakes & just get fucked over by the randomly generated combination of colored balls, & lose just out of something out of your control. & ahh mannn i tried for a lottt of hours & rly felt the full defeat of not being able to beat it lol. wish it was more fair, or that if i lost, it was by my own mistakes & not by a luck factor out of my control, or that the game simply ended on the second to last tower that was still incredibly challenging & took a long time to beat. like if it ended there it would've gotten the 4 star!! i'm sure i could've continued for days & put so many more frustrating painful hours trying over & over again to beat this random lil puzzle game i used to play on my grandma's pc, just to have the medal of pride & fulfill my lil semi-completionist heart that will feel terrible moving on knowing that i just wasn't good enough to make it all the way to the end. but i guess moral of the story is you gotta know when it's just not worth it, & as much as it sucks, you gotta give up on beating this shit & move on to actually having fun again on a different game. & i don't plan on quitting on shit in the future! i just want a fair fight! & if i can't control the shitty ball combinations coming out on the last levels completely fucking me over then the only thing i could do is leave this salty ass extra ass 2 1/2 star review haha.

shout out zuma tho, hella nostalgic fasho, who knows maybe i'll beat it one day lol

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023
