This game has a tough learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, is a pretty fun little game! 100%ing this takes FOR-E-VER, and I may never get there. A lot of your success in the minigames depends on how responsive your Wii remotes still are. That, combined with some minigames being brutally unforgiving, like the deep-frying one, makes this game legitimately kinda hard.

Mama's voice lines are very charming, and I enjoy the friends from around the world. The fact that they all speak their native language is something that hits me in the heart, that's something I have a weakness for. They all have cute music too, which is nice, except the start of the British friend's song is super grating on the ears, and you have to hear it a whole lot.

You have to make the recipes using motion controls, which are responsive enough, but can definitely troll you sometimes. You have to discover a method to the madness. This is, for all intents and purposes, a rage game. You must stay calm on the battlefield and make mama proud.

Fighting against the friends around the world is very............... interesting. Sometimes the game will award a bonus and you'll never be able to replicate it. Sometimes they'll utterly beat your ass so badly it's shocking. Other times it's like they'll have a stroke in the middle of working and hand you a free win. The scoring for the minigames is pretty funny here: you have three main ones: a perfect, a good enough, and a fail. On some minigames, you'll rarely ever fail, and on others, messing up even a LITTLE will give you an instant fail. It's genuinely brutal.

Of course, that scoring system is something you only need to worry about in the friends around the world mode. For normal recipes, you just need all perfects, as harsh as it is. Challenge mode is incredibly silly, you just need a passing grade, but you have a super short time limit on each game.

It's a chill game! One I can pick up and kill two hours easily. It's not a masterpiece, but I think it's a game emblematic of the Wii era and is still fun for that if nothing else. Great game to get mad at with your friends.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
