all the soundtracks of the games i've played, personal ranking

all of it! the entire soundtrack! at least, what's intended as music - battle music, atmospheric bgm, story tracks, character themes - a soundtrack with good battle music but weak bgm will fall pretty low on the list.

in fact, i'll go one step further: how it's used within the game also weights it. games that maximise emotional impact by playing music at the right time will be high up, while soundtracks that waste good tracks on trivial situations get marked down.

also, compilation/collection soundtracks, ie hotline miami and project sekai aren't included - those are songs not originally made for the game, or based on songs not originally made for the game.

(and it should be obvious, but only games i've listened to the soundtrack of enough to be able to rank. DLCs are included as part of a base game, as said DLCs often use music from the base game too.)

let's go!

ok i found this one actively annoying
so bad it's actively funny


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reading over this list i'm starting to think i'm a little biased against orchestral soundtracks. they can be good of course but i think part of it for me is the mainstream ONLY seeing orchestral soundtracks as "good" and ignoring all other soundtracks, and for me it's like, hey, you don't have to pretend your game soundtrack is for a movie for it to be considered valid. video games as a medium is fine itself and it's fine to venture outside of purely orchestral music sometimes

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