what if oldboy and 21 jump street were the same movie

for the first 5 chapters i was so planning to just give this a disappointed 3.5 stars but GOD once it picked up it really got going

-fuck soma but look i'm ngl he's also kinda hot, he's got a good theme and i love fighting his ghirahim looking ass
-higashi is forklift certified
-THE COMBAT BABEYYYY like this is the best combat in the series
-the best final boss theme in the entire series
-the NUANCE up in this bitch. this game could be a 60 hour long debate between kuwana and yagami and i'd still play it, like fr thematically this is the strongest that rgg has been along with yakuza 7
-yknow how each yakuza game has like 1 or 2 addictive game modes that you play for 10 hours straight? lost judgment has like, 10 of them (not all of them will be winners for most people but i like a good few of them)
-skateboarding my beloved
-perfect balance of main and side content, and introduces them all at a decent pace (unlike earlier rgg games that threw 5/6 new substories at you every chapter right up until the end)
-kuwana my scrungly
-there's a crime solving dog
-you can be 21 jump street

-i played this on hard and rgg i'll keep it real with you the piece of shit multi button qtes are not it, especially with the broken directional inputs and slow response time. i failed every single mandatory qte at least 3 times
-no more "saori has to dress up and use her feminine wiles to charm some people into telling her stuff" in judgment. please.
-at least for the first half of the story, shares yakuza 6's bad habit of shoving silly substories in your face right before or after serious main story beats, but maybe that's just me
-on yagami though, yeah, he very much falls back on the same argument for the second half of the game in discussion and debates (using another person as their argument), like, even when it IS a usable point, he keeps on using it over and over in place of much better arguments, but for some reason the game keeps treating it like it's a le epic clapback
-honestly. the antagonist kinda does the same, using another person.
-kaito shut the fuck up about shooting your shot with sawa or w/e we are investigating a murder case here this is not the time what the hell is wrong with you man. why is kaito so unlikeable here
-many characters (ie sugiura, saori, genda) very underutilised - sugiura does nearly nothing of note
-heavy focus on school stories leaves not much in the way of substories - this one's not so bad given school stories end up turning into non school stories anyway (i.e. boxing having virtually nothing to do with the school)

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2022
