Overwatch 2 is not a sequel. The title itself is a lie. It is merely a version 2.0, a version which admittedly I have had way more fun with in my short time with it, totaling around 40 hours compared to the 150ish I had on the original version. The update to the game is pretty fun, but the story mode that was promised has yet to be delivered to us - so the real focus of the change is the way progression works.

Gone are lootboxes! Which would usually be a good thing if they hadn't replaced them with the most heinous monetization I've seen in a videogame. Skins are ridiculously priced, more than any other game I've played recently, and have the same effort put into them as when they were free to gain. There is no fun logging onto an event, playing the same gamemode as the last five years and knowing your only way to obtain any of the event exclusives is to pay money to a company that doesn't deserve it.

TBH, I'd rather play League of Legends. At least the skins there are well done and cheaper to get.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2022
