good god what the hell happened here?! well let's start with the story

while the premise is really interesting, that being eggman actually won and took over the world, the game doesn't do anything to make it feel that way, the tone is all over the place and doesn't know whether to take it seriously or not. the dialogue and exchange between characters are just not great, infinite is such a nothing character despite having a cool af design and voice.

the gameplay is just so stiff and automatic for modern sonic and the avatar, what happened to the generations controls?? and classic sonic is just the worst he's ever been. i really dislike the gameplay for this game and it's level design is such a nothing burger too, short and automatic.

i do like the customization of the avatar, it has many selections to your liking. and the soundtrack can be pretty good too (besides classic sonic of course) but that's about all i can praise the game for

this game is easily the worst boost game and one of my least favorite sonic game to play, im somehow even more disappointed in it than sonic 06. buy on a huge sale if possible

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024
