fun & cute twist on a farming game, but sadly has the same qualms as the others. after about 4 hours of playing, i got stuck at a point where i was just waiting. waiting for crops to finish, waiting for the day to be over. ooblets lets you take naps- which is nice but also made me feel like i should be doing something if i’m trying to go to bed. but there’s nothing to do. the inventory/toolbar is a little confusing to use compared to other farming sims, but i do appreciate the decoration mode to be overhead. farming mode is also nice as you can quickly choose spaces far & close from you. sadly i almost felt like the ooblets took a backseat from farming because to be able to dance with them, you have to cook, to cook you have to farm, to be ready for a random ooblet (if you’re not looking up a guide) you have to have lots of ingredients/materials on hand, hence more farming. it’s confusing that you can’t sell every item, so i was holding onto items that i don’t think i needed.. but the storage is okay since you can buy many chests instead of being stuck with an integrated storage. the cutesy & quirky naming of absolutely everything was a bit overwhelming at times.. reading a sentence like “you have to yooble your sploinky at the grumblo before you can unlock bloofles” gets pretty confusing when you can’t understand anything.

all in all, it’s a good game. its just easy to be critical of farming games, because it’s such a saturated market. i wish ooblets were more of the focus than farming.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2023
