It takes elements from recent games and does them worse, and the new gimmick (sailing) is far less interesting than Ys 9's cool city. It's probably not a bad game on its own but I feel like I just played a worse version of previous games where the one new thing it offers isn't exciting but also gimps the map design due to confining them to islands.

Story-wise, the plot is something that should have about as much text as Ys 6 but it tries to go for the amount of reading that recent games in the series demand. I like the main heroine and the story does end up feeling more complete and focused than Ys 9 at least, but it gives a bunch of time to the NPCs who are less interesting than the party members in 8 and 9.

Gameplay-wise, guarding is too broken (there were plenty of boss fights where I could stand around and just hold guard on Nightmare) and the enemy attacks are too slow for how much mobility Adol has.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
