Brilliant, just like the first one. I wouldn't say it connected with me just as much, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this game does so much to improve upon the Boku Natsu formula.

The world in this game, compared to the first's, is massive. There's so much to uncover, way more characters, way more events. It's an overall much bigger feeling game, while also having the quaintness that the first game has. That, plus new additions such as being able to swim in the ocean (which is so fucking cool btw) makes Boku Natsu 2 such a fresh experience. I also heavily fuck with the new setting, featuring a small waterside village rather than the more grassy, rural area from the first.

I think why I don't like it as much, though, is the fact that the story didn't do quite as much for me. It's great, no doubt! Many moments hit me emotionally, and I loved all the characters so much. But I feel like the simplicity of the first game was more appealing.

That being said though, Boku Natsu 2 is an absolute joy and a well worthy sequel. I'm so excited to play 3 and 4!!

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2023


1 year ago

if you don't mind me asking what translation tools did you use to play this one? i've been wanting to play 2 and 4 but the way i played (retroarch ai translate + my loose knowledge of japanese) only really worked for me because the ps1 core had rewind and the psp core just doesn't have rewind as far as i can tell
oh i did the same method as the first game: took a bunch of pictures of my psp during dialogue and then went back and used google lens/google translate/jisho/limited knowledge of japanese to translate them
far from the most efficient, tedious at times, but worth it to play these games

1 year ago thought u might want to see this .......
I SAW THIS and im so excited holy fuck. ill take a fan tran of literally any boku natsu game i can and honestly im kinda glad it was this one. it looks like based on the time between past announcements and releases from this guy that it should only take a few months too!!