A tangible improvement over Infamous 2, I especially like how they turned the overwhelming powers system of the last game into something much more accessible without over-simplifying it. And I liked how they stopped trying to riff on Akira, even if the new story is just generic David-and-Goliath shit.

What I didn't like: the terrible, "Poochie went back to his home planet"-esque ending (dear Sucker Punch, you don't have to roll the credits five seconds after the final boss fight). Nor do I like how three games in, they still haven't fixed the atrocious AI, or the absolutely pointless karma system, or the story getting told mostly through phone calls (seriously, half of the cutscenes are in the first hour). Feels like most of the development resources went towards showcasing the (then-brand new) PS4 hardware rather than upgrading the engine. That being said, the game is indeed gorgeous, and the copy-and-paste architecture of the first two games is minimized here. And really, the foundation of these games is too solid to really mess up. I definitely enjoyed this in any case.

One more thing: you can put this next to GTA5 in the list of video games that stereotype their own audience as antisocial nerdy teens that can't get laid. Strange to see game devs writing that stuff but whatever, I guess. Truth hurts.

Reviewed on May 09, 2021
