I like it, but it ain't perfect.

First up the music just isn't in the same league as the games it is emulating. Now, those are two of the best soundtracks of all time, but it was surprising how much better the game got after I modded those tracks in instead.

The overall visual style is good, but the graffiti ranges from pretty good to appalling. Sourcing designs from the community was a good idea for a small team like this. I just hope next time they will be more discerning when it comes to the selection.

The gameplay is solid. The general loop is fun and the mission structure is minimal. Any more structure and it wouldn't have the free roam.

The tricks system is lacking. There's only a couple moves you can do and they wear themselves out halfway through combos. High score challenges just depend on you spamming moves.

What surprised me the most was the story. It's a mystery/thriller with solid characters. I thought I had the plot twists locked from the beginning, but I was far off. It's a good story.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2024
