Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is an enjoyable experience right up till the end, where the story pacing and writing goes straight downhill. If all the things Falcom added in the eX+ version didn't suck, this game would be a solid stand-alone JRPG, but alas. Also, please, I am begging game developers, PLEASE stop showing flashback scenes of the scene that just happened within the last 3 minutes of gameplay. It gets so inexcusable how many times it happens in Ch. 6 - end of game.

True Ending is worse than Normal Ending and After Story doesn't really do much for me other than give a few more challenges.

Beyond some weird quirks with the gameplay and some sub-par late game writing, this game is nice and worth playing if you're looking for a Persona/Trails adjacent game. Dungeon design is absolutely phenomenal (besides a few designs being reused) and the OST is absolutely the best part of the game.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2022
