even enduring the kinaesthetically nauseating movement, the level design here is about as incoherent as it gets. theres glimpses of nuance here and there (barring two exceptions, each district is equipped with infinite grind loop(s) encircling key areas of the map) but optimal routing still demands clumsily backtracking through level geometry, and consequently, breaking all sense of flow. the map being tucked behind two menus only further erodes all good faith, and this sentiment begins to set only three hours in. unfortunately for you, jsr stretches itself out for eight and that 9.6% completion rate on a game that, not only defined an entire aesthetic, but still retains a offbeat allure in its own right starts making sense!

all that being said, you cant listen to this track ( https://youtu.be/8yz9FOI1YFc ) and come out of this game sour like come on dude have some early 2000s optimism in your system yknow

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2021
