(referring to the campaign not the ongoing mp)

for honor’s story mode is a weird little relic in the middle of this live service game

it’s stuck in the days of 2017 with all the long gone mechanics and old balancing, so it makes for a pretty neat time capsule, though playing through it again for the first time in like 8 years, it’s also pretty evident as to why it was never really liked

aside from some pretty solid setpieces and some boss fights that are almost good, the whole campaign is a tedious slog through repetitive objectives and enemies, hilariously bad voice acting and writing that is unremarkable at best and painful at worst

some attempts are made to remedy the tediousness but most of them kinda just fall flat? like a weird horse riding section and a… turret section? what?

not to mention it’s also like. incredibly easy? i beat the whole thing in the highest difficulty and died less than 10 times total

it’s weird because there definitely could have been a pretty decent game here but it feels like the campaign didn’t have the greatest budget

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
