This game has such lousy, inconsistent controls that it's absolutely impossible to find any enjoyment in the few things it gets right. There's clear thought put behind the track designs and equipment you can purchase in the store, plus it's the first HD title in the Riders series, so you'd think that alone would be a strong selling point. However, all of it is for naught if you're dealing with one of the most unresponsive games out there, featuring mandatory full body motion controls. You don't even need to be an hour in for the feelings of sheer frustration to take over, once you start up this game you'll quickly realize that it's not the game's difficulty or other players online which are your biggest obstacle, but the controls alone. It doesn't help that the story mode ranges from mediocre to outright bad. So yes, while not everything is as terrible as the gameplay, anything positive you could say about this game is hardly noteworthy and completely overshadowed by its flaws. The worst offense of Sonic Free Riders though is how it managed to singlehandedly ruin the Sonic Riders series and give it one of the most shameful final entries to a series it has yet to redeem itself from.

Reviewed on May 11, 2021
