I don't have nostalgia goggles for this game and yet it means so much to me, very few video games have impacted me the way SA2 has. I'm unable to agree with people who claim it has aged poorly or is only enjoyable from a nostalgic viewpoint. It builds upon prior games in such a meaningful way, the cast of characters has never been stronger and the story is a wonderfully paced experience with great themes and messages. It could admittedly benefit from more details in cutscenes, but it never feels like you're told so little to the point of frustrating plot holes either. It's a shame how much has gone lost in translation, so I really do think the best way to experience this game is on pc with mods to adjust the subtitles to the Japanese dialogue (plus the original audio gets rid of the sound design issues present in the Western version, making it easier to appreciate the soundtrack as well as the strong voice acting). But by all means, do check out the dubbed version as well, which features one of the best voice casts the series has yet to see and some really iconic dialogue.

All the different gameplay styles are built really well around the scoring system, rewarding you for mastering the game's use of momentum and being familiar with its environments without overstaying their welcome. The rather linear level designs help in that aspect, allowing you to focus on polishing your skills but also having a lot of replay value thanks to various missions and pathways or objects that were previously locked away, which are now accessible with the right upgrades. Some graphics may be rough around the edges but overall they suit the game really well and are quite charming, it helps that SA2 is backed by amazing art direction and has some wonderful backgrounds in its stages.

The multiplayer also works really well and is great for having fun outside of replaying stages. While I don't care much for this part of the game, it's undeniable that the chao garden is an intricate, complex and charming addition to the game, including content for both those who wish to look into it casually and those who dedicate a lot of time into it and become invested. Either way it's a very rewarding activity to master and spend your time with, the countless online sources which are dedicated to the complexities of the chao garden being a testament to this.

Because of all this I really wish I could give SA2 the full score I would've given it when being completely biased, but I have to acknowledge some issues present in the game aside from those previously addressed, which were minor in comparison. The mechs' movements are a downgrade from SA1's Gamma gameplay and stages like Eternal Engine suffer from occasionally poor enemy placement. Being able to only collect one emerald at a time in the hunting stages feels like a forced way to extend playtime and Mad Space has several gimmicks that test a player's patience, as much as I applaud the developers for the ambition behind it. But even with all that, this game's legacy is undeniable and I think it still holds up really well. I sincerely believe it to be a worthwhile experience for anyone who hasn't had the chance to play it yet and I hope the recent trend of forcing people to believe they only thought it was good due to nostalgia dies down, as it deserves to be held in high regards.

I'm writing this 3 weeks before the game's 20th anniversary, so happy early anniversary SA2, may more people enjoy their time with this amazing game in the years to come.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2021
