How is this not a masterpiece? Released in the end-of-life of the Sega Genesis by GameFreak, 2 years prior to the release of their famous "Pokémon" series, Pulseman has all the elements of what could have been a successful brand, with amazing concept art and flawless execution, a graphical style, and style far ahead of its time, reminding us of a "Gameboy Advance" title rather than something out of a late-80s console. Perhaps GameFreak has always had a flair for innovative games. Unfortunately, this one massively flew under the radar, perhaps due to being an exclusive for the "Sega Channel" in 1995. In this title, a young hero, "Pulseman", must defeat his father - the tragic Doc Yoshiyama - gone mad from his loved creation, the artificial intelligence known as the C-Life. The game features amazing cutscenes and seven bosses battles spread across a good, no-baloney one-hour of frantic gameplay. The game clearly draws inspiration from the Astro Boy and Mega Man media and has an overall Osamu Tezuka feel to it that you just can't ignore.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2022
