I wanted to like this game really bad and unfortunately, there are just too many dishes to this large messy main course of a 5-year wait game that left me severely disappointed.

I do wanna kick this off by saying at the core of this game is an enjoyable time I enjoy doing the obstacle courses and climbing the poopisoft towers every once in a while however it is how this game applies its concepts together where I take issue, all overworld puzzles (if you can even call them that) are the most braindead easy nothing padding checkboxes and then the cyberspace levels are previous sonic levels with 3 of the most oversaturated themes slapped on them, I know the lore reason which is pretty cool but in the execution, it comes off as pretty lazy at least to me. My favorite part of this game as it is very common amongst most people who play it, is the boss fights. However, they cannot save the game the combat is just as simple it's just hype in a cheesy way I love it.

Don't really wanna address the combat it has potential but it feels tacked on but overall I came out on the other side of this game disappointed by most aspects and I don't really feel like replaying it anytime soon maybe hop on it to hop on those floating rails with some Spotify or something

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
