This is a game i came back to after a year then finished. I admire it for being that level of pick-up-and-play while still having some depth. Critics might say it gets a bit repetitive but, I loved that i could pick it up, play a level in 5-15 minutes, then put it back down.

The humor seems staunchly British and might not have hit me so hard because I’m a yank, but I still got a bleak chuckle out of the game’s bureaucratic nightmare.

Critics might also say that the games balance is off or that the combat is random and hectic. And theyre right. However on the other the nature of the roguelite genre is to sometimes be stacked and other times be starved. The combat IS awkward at times, but the game tries to tell you that you should be trying to avoid combat or be stealthy. Make smart use of locking doors after you go through them. Lock down sections of ships with warps as much as possible.

Some enemies seem OP, but they all have a counter. Screws can be stunned. The bookish lady’s can be mind-controlled or taken out with explosives from behind.

I liked it. If anything, I wish there were more.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2021
