Like Metroid but with more Catholic guilt.

I absolutely adored this game. The art direction is what's going to grab most people first and for good reason. I haven't played a game where I was so motivated by seeing what kind of insane environment was just around the corner since Hollow Knight (which this game will no doubt receive endless comparisons too). The pixel art is truly perfect, incredibly detailed backgrounds mixed with creative enemy design.

The gameplay is also probably perfect. It's always a good sign when a couple hours into the game you're sliding and dashing around like a speed runner. The movement is so comfortable and the combat is as satisfying as any 2D game I've ever played. Boss fights never felt unfair (except for some of the optional DLC ones but those don't count), every enemy had to be dispatched in its own unique way, and the customization through perks and spells are by far the best in any metroidvania I've ever played.

The narrative is also fantastic, I was so drawn into the lore through item descriptions, NPC interactions, or the rare cutscenes. Dark without being edgy or overbearing, much like the rest of this game it just fit in a way that felt natural.

This game just makes sense, everything it tries works and after beating it a couple times to unlock the secret endings I never once got bored. Nearly perfect!!

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2022
