This is my first Steam game, and my first time delving into PC gaming with my new computer. Overall the game ran buttering smooth 1080p 144fps, Ultra setting and turned off motion blur. Never played with such a high FPS, as I was a console player so it's definitely a damn treat. I bought this during the recent sale for like $7. I was planning to buy it before the recent buzz, that's it getting a PS4/Xbox one port running at 60fps so I think this review will provide some insight.

My PC specs are = RTX 2070 Super, Intel i7-9700F with 16GB of Ram.


Well, it's not really memorable, it's pretty serviceable in most incidences. What keeps the story engaging is the dynamic camera and the charismatic protagonist. It's not really Dante or Bayonetta charismatic, both of those characters are bloody iconic this however is still good.


This is the highlight, the reason why u will buy this game. Unlike so much 3rd person shooters, you hide under cover and shoot this is not that game. You get punished for hiding and your score can be so low. The mobility is kinda intimating, but as it progresses you get into a certain groove. The mouse and keyboard are pretty intuitive, the only thing I changed was the grenade as the side button of my mouse. It does this sense of gameplay escalation really well, compare the beginning to the final boss you think about all the stuff you have learnt. It's a rewarding game you want to master.


Well, this is my only real gripe and bit of narrative. The music is solid however platinum has set a standard for itself when comes to music e.g. Bayonetta, Nier Automata ... You have this unique game, but featured in such generic music. More experimental sounds would most likely evaluate the experience it's the most forgettable element. Which sucks as again this studio's soundtracks are great.

Faults or things that can be expanded

Invisible Walls are just annoying, the environments are pretty bland, I think Melee could have set a limit of 2-3 attacks not being entirely used up with one. As it diminishes experimentation additionally the scoring system is a bloody mess. In Bayonetta I think the numbers are confusing however at least you know Pure Platinum is good ... Or even the Devil May Cry franchise you know SSS means your kicking ass, and when you end a mission with S that's the satisfaction. In this game, however, it's hard to determine what these scores even mean. Honestly, it should have adopted DMC or Bayonetta's style of ranking, plus it is more fitting as this is a Platinum game.

Final Thoughts

This is one hell of a game and I highly recommend people play it. The game is pretty damn unique, sadly you won't really anything like this anymore.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
