2 Reviews liked by doberna98

dont trust anyone who doesnt like minecraft



I have a conflicted feelings for this one. On one hand I understand why many people have this game in very high regard, this was before the COD Explosion that happen in the PS3/Xbox days and this game is like a predessesor of those games; With high fidelity visuals, an amazing SFX and a interesting enviroment destruction mechanic (really you can destroy almost everything with your guns). But on the other hand, I really think this game really aged like milk.
I have an a opinion with FPS, well two really. The First one is that the genre is really meant to be played with a Keyboard and a Mouse, but doesnt mean that you cannot play FPS with a controller I really think is just how you prefer it; But I think (and this is my second opinion with genre) that before the seventh generation of consoles the controls to play a fps with a controller was really not good, and that was my real issue with this game: The Controls and the gameplay really suck.
With that in mind, I didnt enjoy my time with it because of that and also if you take the visual innovations of the time, is really a dull military Shooter like the rest.
Not atrocious per se but really unforgettable...cool live action cutscenes tho.