I love the id Software / Bethesda shooters... the Wolfenstein and Doom series have been some of my favorite games ever, so I was kind of surprised that I hadn't given Rage a shot sooner. This game seems way under the radar compared to those two, and definitely adds some interesting twists. First, there's driving. Like a lot of driving. You drive from missions to mission, you upgrade your car to unlock new missions, and you are forced to compete in races ect., when you aren't in first person. I thought it was a cool change of pace. I also liked that missions weren't necessarily linear, you could talk to some people and do the sides quests before continuing on the main quest. I also really liked the wasteland esthetic. It's different than World War II or Hell on Mars, and makes for some pretty neat imagery. The last thing I will say is this game was really pushing what the XB360 was able to do. While the game looked amazing, there was significant texture pop-in throughout, and there were constant audio glitches. Often times the game would just not play a sound for a gun firing or a car accelerating. Even the HUD map would sometimes fail to load the map data. I think all of these things were performance rather than bug related. There was just too much for the XB360 to do, so some things just didn't happen. Overall a cool game that I recommend you check out for some mindless shooting, driving and generally blowing stuff up.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
