A little gem of a game, Crow Country is set in the abandonded theme park of the same name, with protagonist Mara Forest looking for clues on the whereabouts of the park's missing owner, Edward Crow.

Certainly more puzzle and navigation centric than combat focused, Crow Country makes up for its simple combat encounters with puzzles that are often challenging to unravel and reward you with more and more context on the truth about the park the further in you get, often via staff notes which are a pretty much a staple of the genre.

Crow Country felt to me like a beautiful (even if not too challenging) toy-looking puzzle box, if you've played a couple Survival Horrors then you probably won't struggle with the combat at all, but I think that's fine, as the experience imo feels like it's worth more than the sum of its parts; I had a great time even if the game wasn't trying to constantly kick my butt, if anything I felt that this allowed the puzzles to take center stage without excessive frustration.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
