Texas Butcher is nothing more than a glorified gameplay demo in it's entirety, and is an early build for a concept where the player is able to play as the killer rather than a helpless survivor. New gameplay mechanics are added to this title, including a "shadow" mechanic that reflects your visual notoriety and a "noise" mechanic that represents how silent your approach is. Puppet Combo also developed a relatively simple driving mechanic for this title, which at the time of writing, I am unaware if they will utilise in later titles.

Where I thought Puppet Combo's visual design was excellent in their other titles, here it falls flat. The models are repulsive, the atmosphere is non-existent, and the tension is absent. There are no significant or impressive audio cues other than the constant heavy breathing of the killer. I understand that being overtly critical over something that was clearly an early experiment might seem extreme, but as someone who is exploring Puppet Combo's library, I must be vocal about their shortcomings.

It really feels like Texas Butcher could have been something that could have stayed in-house. Sure it's nice to have some extra content if you're a super-fan of the studio but the product that is here is just underwhelming and a poorly executed set of ideas that are otherwise promising.

Reviewed on May 28, 2023
