Ultimately a pretty alright 3d-ish platformer with a lot of unique ideas that set it apart. The main draw is definitely the story telling, giving context and motivation behind the platforming, which ties it into the sort of pseudo-town builder part of the game set in napple town. All the characters and dialogue are great and extremely charming, and as mentioned before the way they tie into the action-platforming is really cool. The paffet system is also really neat, although I didn't engage with it that much. Using items collected throughout the levels to make either creatures that can assist you or furniture for the townspeople is a great idea, although I basically only used the platform creature and the furniture quests require regularly checking in on townspeople and replaying levels, which I never really did.

Regardless it's a very inspirational title that, while certainly janky and a bit unpolished in places, combines different genres to produce an extremely unique experience. Huge recommend.

Almost forgot to mention the ability to jump on houses which is in fact part of my criteria for Good Game Design.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
