i am a die-hard fan of the original F.E.A.R and absolute hater for 2 and 3, so this game was largely made for me to be picky about. that being said: very fun! a little short but plenty of side-content to get you your money's worth.

atmospheric component is fantastic. a good chunk of the game looked exactly like what I'd want a F.E.A.R remaster to look like, like it was literally just Armacham HQ, 2023 version. the story is almost nonexistent here, cool but paper thin, which is fine: F.E.A.R's overarching story is pure action-scifi-horror cheese that really doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

both titles achieve the same core thing that i love: being a fucked-out emotionless supersoldier blasting through hundreds of mercenaries in slow-motion through an assortment of abandoned office complexes and industrial spaces.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023
