Sights & Sounds
- Primarily black-and-white noir stylings all around, with rare pops of color
- The character designs are unique, to say the least
- The music is pretty great. Given the noir veneer, you'll hear a lot of swingy jazz and the occasional bluesy track
- The most impressive part of the entire presentation is the voice acting, in my opinion. Sonny's VA is the clear stand-out, but all of the voices are really well done

Story & Vibes
- It's like Dragnet, but with animals
- The characters are all pretty great, even if they are just film noir parodies and archetypes
- The promotional content should have clued you in, but the game is quite funny
- The story is quite good, even if the twist is a little predictable. Still a good mystery

Playability & Replayability
- It's a point-and-click detective game, so you'll be skulking around town to find clues, track down leads, and interrogate animals of interest
- The interrogation scenes are pretty fun. I appreciate the ability to retry each one for a perfect score
- The "putting it together" minigame is a bit more confusing. The solutions make sense, but it feels like I was mostly just trying things until it worked
- There's other minigames and events to spice things up as well
- I don't think I'll be replaying, even though I wish I would have been thorough enough to 100% the game

Overall Impressions & Performance
- With the humor and good story, this is an easy game to like
- I played through the whole game on the Steam Deck, and it ran flawlessly

Final Verdict
- 7/10. The story and gameplay won't blow you away, but it's still a very enjoyable experience

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
