Sights & Sounds
- Visuals are moody and minimalistic. The colors are various shades of gray; not a single hue to be found here
- The sound effects are similarly sparse. When there are auditory cues, they're either grating or eerie

Story & Vibes
- There's no overt narrative. The player is left to infer what's going on from environmental cues (of which there are few)
- Everything in the world is hostile. You don't go very far without a trap, fall, or enemy attempting to kill you

Playability & Replayability
- The game is largely a platform puzzler. Beyond the moving platforms and switches that you'd expect as hallmarks of the genre, there's some interesting puzzle mechanics with sound, light, gravity and timing as well
- The only controls are jumping and grasping, so the only thing you have to solve puzzles besides those are your wits and the environment
- There's no real downside to dying unless you're trying to get a specific achievement, so failure is expected the first few attempts at most puzzles
- Exploration is also encouraged via hidden collectibles with accompanying achievements

Overall Impressions & Performance
- It's a moody, dark, brooding, and atmospheric experience. The puzzle design's reliance on death mechanics serves to emphasize these themes
- I played the game in its entirety on the Steam Deck. It performed extremely well

Final Verdict
- 9/10. I missed this game back when it was released, and I'm happy to have finally gotten around to play it. With all the great puzzle design and fantastically dark atmosphere, it's a must-play

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
