Sights & Sounds
- Gorgeous abstract visuals throughout
- Screenshots, while pretty, don't do the game justice. Traversing the world is a whole different level
- The music is light background electronic music ranging from austere to ominous

Story & Vibes
- It's an abstract puzzle game; there's no narrative
- Instead, just enjoy the splendor

Playability & Replayability
- The puzzles are all perspective-based, so people with good spatial awareness will probably like this game
- Besides running around and moving colorful cubes, you'll also shift gravity around quite a bit, both for moving around the levels and for solving puzzles
- Not sure I'll be back for a replay

Overall Impressions & Performance
- If you're a fan of pretty visuals and sometimes tricky puzzles, this is for you
- Played the first few parts on PC, then finished up on the Steam Deck. Ran very well on both

Final Verdict
- 7.5/10. If it seems up your alley visually and you enjoy puzzles, buy with confidence. Keep in mind it's between 5 and 10 hours depending on how often you get stuck

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024


11 days ago

Duhnuh, do you mind going in more depth? I'm in the process of culling my Steam wishlist and saw this on here thinking it was a platformer, but it seems like it's different? Is it level-based? How exactly does it play out.

11 days ago

@RedBackLoggd, it could probably be described as a 3D puzzle platformer, but there is no jump button. All the puzzles are solved with gravity/perspective shifting, so the emphasis is much greater on the "puzzle" part than the "platformer" part

11 days ago

Yeah, I ended up removing it because I looked up video footage and it was kinda giving me a headache haha. Not to call the game bad or anything considering a lot of people loved it and I'm sure it's as creative as you imply.