Sights & Sounds
- Charming and colorful pixel art abounds. I liked the character and enemy designs. It's like a Game Boy game with actual color
- The music and sound effects follow that Gameboy feel. All the boops and beeps that you could ever hope for

Story & Vibes
- It's a two hour puzzle platformer. There's not much focus on story. Just beat the levels
- Not really sure how to describe the vibes. It may make you feel nostalgic for old handheld games, but that's about it

Playability & Replayability
- You play as a little moon guy who can switch levels between night and day to affect things like platform location, enemy behavior, etc. The puzzles all center around this mechanic
- I played Hue not long after beating Moonleap. The games feel very similar. If you've played that, Moonleap is like a pared-down version of that

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Pretty sure this was a mobile game, so it should be possible to get this running on all but the oldest hardware
- Being a short 2D puzzle game, it was a great Steam Deck title

Final Verdict
- 6/10. If you're really into puzzle platform games, this may scratch an itch if you don't want to commit a lot of time to a new title. Besides that, it's a fun but otherwise missable game with a few secrets but not a lot of depth

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
